Christmas Resource FREE
Are you running short of creative inspiration in whakarite mō te Kirihimete/preparation for Christmas? Maybe you just have so much on your plate? This is a whānau/household activity that also provides a sermon illustration or an intergenerational activity in the lead up to Christmas.
It's based around the words Aroha/love, Harikoa/joy, Whakapono/faith, Tūmanako/hope, and Maungārongo/peace.
This resource has been designed as an interactive, intergenerational Whakarite mō te Kirihimete/Christmas resource. It will be suitable for sermons in the four weeks leading up to Christmas and includes something to do on Christmas eve. It includes a large 'stained glass window' available in A3, A1 and A0 size. Plus an A4 package that can be distributed to households, taking them through an activity, once a week, in the four weeks leading up to Kirihimete/Christmas.
Order TAHI/ONE and you can print as many as you like.
If you're interested in additional images to engage the church as you use the resource, CLICK HERE.