People of peace
Love, joy, peace
How do we notice people of peace?
Through prayer and the prompt of the Holy Spirit. As well as asking, “Who is in need, Jesus? Make me aware of this person today,” ask, “Holy Spirit, please prompt me to notice where You are already working.”
Getting to know the people who attend your sessions. Your role is to build authentic relationships with families, making yourself vulnerable through being okay to speak about the difficulties you face, being real, while also being confident to speak about your faith. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. 1 Peter 3:15
Do life with others by creating space in your calendar to catch up with people. Sessions are a platform to start friendships. They will deepen around your dining table, in your backyard, at the local park, and in the homes of those whose lives you are connecting with. Of those who attend your sessions, who is showing the fruit of love, joy, and peace?
Acknowledge strengths in others. We often look to help in areas of need; places where we can be helpers. But what would happen if we looked for areas of strength in the adults who attend our sessions? That is, the strengths God has granted each of us that show as skills and abilities. How would we encourage people to engage in what we are doing and planning, with the ability for them to take an active part?
Invite – invite – invite. So often, we discount the involvement of others thinking that someone is too busy or might say no to our invitation. And never actually give them the chance to make that decision.
One group had families with a wealth of knowledge, so they asked whether presentations on a single topic would be made. Like, health after pregnancy.
Another group invited a mum who appeared particularly interested in craft to head up their preparation. This mum shone in that role.
Another asked a parent to read through the manuscript of a book and give her perspective on the content. The task was relished, and her feedback gave an insight into her passions and interests.
Other groups have invited parents or carers onto their teams with an expectation they will join with the time of prayer (no expectation to pray) and come to team meetings.
What’s the next step? Pray. Invite the Holy Spirit into your thinking around everyday actions with the families who attend. Be expectant. Step out in faith and believe. Why? Because a person of peace might be right in front of you; God might be bringing about His purposes in their life and you might be a part of that plan.